Welcome to My Page! |
Hi! I'm Ashes, the older sister to Hi-Ho Silver, whom I affectionately call "Hoey." Hi-Ho came to live with me shortly after our older sister, Jhin Jhin, passed away. Our folks thought I would like some company so I wouldn't be so lonely without her. Hoey and I get along well most of the time but, like all siblings, we sometimes have our disagreements! Little brothers can get on your nerves sometimes. Wish I had a sister. Someone I could diet with! |
My Previous Life |
Before I came to live with my parents and brothers, I had a rough life on the mean streets, trying to protect my newborn kittens. Luckily, I and my kittens were rescued by the Montgomery County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MCSPCA) and all of my kittens quickly found good homes. My parents found me through an ad in the "Pawprint Post," a small newspaper that specialized in finding homes for needy pets. I quickly settled in with my older sister, who unfortunately passed away a couple of years later. (Please view her memorial page.) |
On Sharing with 3 Brothers... |
Yes, I admit it is sometimes difficult to keep up with 3 younger brothers. Little Sassy is just 4 now and quite on the go. They make me tired just watching them play around! I am content to stay out of the play-pouncing and just watch from the sidelines! |
Little Known Facts About Me |
At one time, I wanted to be a model, but haven't been successful because of my size and coloring. That's why I like to watch the large size model, Emme, on E! television. It turns out that my brothers, Hoey and Spencer, ended up being the models in the family (see Spencer's story). |